130 Homemade Dog Food Recipes


The cookbook that your dog and dogs everywhere have been waiting for has finally arrived. Pamper Your Dog unleashes 130 recipes for tasty treats and meals for your canine friend that are sure to have your dog salivating.

You cook for yourself and your family, so don't ignore your most faithful of friends. Pamper Your Dog will show you how to prepare tasty and healthful treats and main meals for their dogs without a lot of cost or work.

This great collection of recipes features 130 tempting and tasty treats for your dog. Below are just a few of the recipes you will find inside:

- Apple Crunch Pupcakes

- Bacon Bites

- Beef Twists

- Birthday Cake for Pups

- BJ'S Peanutty Pupcicles

- Bone A Fidos

- Bow Wow Burritos

- Bulldog Brownies

- Cheese and Bacon Dog Biscuits

- 46. Chewy Cheesy Chihuahua Pizza

- Chow Chow Stew

- Classic Canine Cookies

- Darlene's Favorite Dog Cookie

- Divine Doggy Dinner

- Doggy Dip

- Fido's Cheese Nuggets

- Frozen Peanut Butter Yogurt Treats

- Greyhound Green Bean Grub

- Hors D'ogs

- Icy Paws

and a lot more!!!

ORDER NOW and give your canine friend what it really wants...A home cooked meal!

Regular price: $24.99


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