Facebook Hot Content Seeker WP Plugin

Search for popular content on Facebook for you to share! Discover How to Quickly & Easily Find and Share the Hottest Facebook Content in Your Niche!
Facebook marketing is one of the best way to attract traffic and at the same time build your authority in your niche through its viral functions.

The thing is that finding the most relevant topics in your industry might also be a pain and may takes time to look into.

The good news is that inside this product is a tool that will help you find those content and share it to your own page and the likes with ease.

Introducing Facebook Hot Content Seeker

Here’s the thing you need to understand about Facebook content — the number of “likes” and shares shares is a critical consideration. The more an update is liked or shared, the higher the quality generally is.

But because Facebook doesn’t give you the option to search based on popularity, this type of high-quality content can be tough to find.

With the Facebook Hot Content Seeker plugin for WordPress, all that has changed. Now you can…

✔ Search Facebook pages and groups — including content you will never see without a powerful search function. 
✔ Find only the most popular, viral content (because popularity breeds popularity).
✔ Find and share content from within your WordPress dashboard — without ever logging into Facebook.
✔ Create posts and pages in WordPress from the content that’s being shared on Facebook right now. 
✔ Search posts, albums and even video!
✔ Instantly share your finds to your Facebook page, in a group, or on your personal timeline — all without leaving your WordPress dashboard.
✔ Search in any niche, for any keyword — find the content your audience wants and needs, no matter what your market is.
✔ Share the most relevant content to your pages and groups — and never again face the question, “What will I post today?”
✔ Add a quick Facebook search to your blogging workflow and connect related content in a new, innovative way.
✔ Grow your list of followers and fans, simply by sharing more hot content!

Maybe best of all, though, is that this plugin is a part of your familiar WordPress dashboard. You don’t even have to log into Facebook to find and share the most popular content in your niche, which will save you hours of wasted time!



What will you share with your audience today? How will you grow your social following? With the Facebook Hot Content Seeker plugin for WordPress, you’ll always have something new and hot to share!

Grab your copy today!

Sale for $14.99 only. Regular Price: 79.99!

NOTE: Download link will be available after the payment has been verified. PayPal is generally safe, especially for buyers.
